The Importance of Hydration
Having hydrated lips is crucial as you age. Well-hydrated lips are less likely to develop wrinkles or fine lines, while dry lips are more susceptible to signs of aging, such as deep lines around the mouth.
Using Breeze Balm to lock in moisture helps to prevent dryness, chapping, and cracking, which can also be uncomfortable and painful.
Keeping your lips hydrated is an easy and effective solution to overall comfort.

Beneficial Balm
Formulated, tried and loved for over 70 years. Made specifically to help dry, cracked & flakey skin. Using just 8 premium ingredients, the ultra hydrating properties absorb into your skin leaving it feeling soft, healthy and hydrated for hours.

Sustainable Packaging Project
Breeze Balm is proud to be involved in a world-first sustainable packaging project initiated by our tube manufacturer. A forest located in NSW Australia , is home to over 20,000 trees and various wildlife species. By purchasing a portion of trees every year, we are able to offset our carbon emissions, making our packaging one of the most sustainable in the world.
This project not only focuses on our packaging and product materials but also contributes to the preservation and rehabilitation of endangered and vulnerable animal species and native vegetation in the area.