How to make your dreams a reality!

How to make your dreams a reality!


You have goals and dreams for your future, now all that’s left to do is begin pursuing them right? The only problem is, this can be quite overwhelming and daunting to do. Your mind might me circulating with the thought of “WHERE THE HECK DO I START?!” Don’t worry, you’re not alone in this and it’s perfectly normal to be a little nervous. It’s a good thing because it means your passionate about it!

Now to tackle that one big question – where do you start? WELL, we have the perfect first step for you that will help you plan out your goals, whether it be for the week, a few months from now, or even years! Your first step to getting organised is creating a vision board. Not only will this help you get organised, you will have everything set out and planned, making that dream look a little less daunting. You’ll have a starting and a finishing point in mind (with room to expand, of course), and to top it off it always looks super aesthetically pleasing and can make any space look that much cuter!

Okay, so you now know you need to create a vision board, but again you might be thinking, “WHERE THE HECK DO I START?!” No need to worry, we’ve got you covered with our step-by-step guide to creating the ultimate vision board.

Step 1 - Plan:

Write down exactly what your goals are and the steps you’re going to take to get there. This will be the layout of your vision board.

Step 2 – Buy your frame:

You can go two different ways with this one, depending on the look you’re after for your vision board.

The first frame to buy is a large corkboard. This one is so easy because you can pin everything onto your vision board and it makes the process quicker. If you’re wanting a more rustic/indie style vision board, this is the way to go!

Secondly, you can buy a large photo frame and use double-sided tape or blu-tak to stick your vision board accessories onto the glass. This way could take you longer, however, it has a really neat and aesthetic look to it.

Step 3 – Collect and print you visions:

For this step, you need to gather some things that represent your visions and goals. This could include finding images or quotes online, gathering photos, cutting out magazine spreads you like or drawing up some of your own materials.

If you have photos or images from online, make sure you go print them out at a local printing shop (Target, Big W and Kmart in AUS do these for super cheap), to get the best look. Each print will only cost you a few cents and the overall outcome pays off!

Step 4 – Shop till you drop:

This is the fun part, gathering all the accessories to decorate with! If you’re wanting to get super creative, go for colour! There’s lot’s of different pins, stickers and clips that you can find for great prices! If you want to keep it simple and modern, pick one or two colours and shop according to that.

Step 5 – Assemble your board:

Now use all your resources to create your board! Make sure you lay everything out first BEFORE attaching it. This allows you to play around with a few different looks and ideas to make it perfect for you and the space you’re putting your board in. Once you have your design, it’s time to get to the gluing, sticking and pinning!




This article was really inspiring! I’m actually taking a class at school which is helping us plan for our future goals so I TOTALLY relate well to this! Thank you so much for the tips on getting organized!!!!

Christina A.
Christina A.

I have a dream that I’m having difficulty knowing how to get started—these are some great ideas for getting my thoughts organized about it!

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